Unity3d游戏模版/AdventureHorror Complete Kit Manor/恐怖游戏

  • Unity3d游戏模版/AdventureHorror Complete Kit Manor/恐怖游戏
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:6
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 16
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:5bb8159566c9
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家游戏圣典












Requires Unity 4.3.4 or higher.

FPH is a complete kit designed to allow you to create your own first person adventure game and it will be as easy as using Unity standard editor. 

Support Unity, Unity Pro and is Unity5 ready. 

Mobile Support!!* 

Our complete manor graphic asset (50+ prefabs) is included and you can use it to build your own level 

- First Person Character Controller Example (Our Kit is UFPS Compatble)
- Third Person Character Controller Example (including fixed camera position and change camera trigger script)
- Door
- Dialog
- Change Level
- Inventory
- Show Textfile
- Observe object
- Battery (You can, if you want, store batteries and use them by pressing a button)
- Numpad puzzle (Keyboard/Gamepad ready)
- Rotating puzzle (Keyboard/Gamepad ready)
- Circle puzzle (Keyboard/Gamepad ready)
- Togglable object based on event
- Multilanguage support
- Splash screen sample scene + script
- Main Menu sample scene + buttons script
- Save/Load last level and player position
- EasySave2 support for Saving and Loading Inventory
- Surveillance Camera System: two kind of computer and code to switch computer screen to show all the security cam you have in game.
- 2D Jumpscare (including an example sprite and an example SoundFx)

Everything is thought to be easily customizable, you can use your favorite FPS controller (like UFPS), use it on every platform or use your own UI! 

Version: (咨询特价) 
